Discover and add SDDP and IP devices on a local network.Set all project properties (date, time, timezone, location, locale & language, etc.).Search and add device drivers from an online database or personal cloud storage.Add and identify a new controller into the project.Service and update a customer system locally or remotely.Register a controller to a customer account.Search for, view, and add new customer accounts under your dealership.For more advanced projects, use it as a companion to the full Composer Pro programming experience. For smaller projects, use Composer Express standalone to create accounts, define a system, and connect devices. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish installing Composer Pro.Composer Express is a configuration tool exclusively for authorized Control4 partners that dramatically simplifies the install process, allowing partners to minimize their time at job sites and increase their productivity during system setup. After the file has finished downloading, open the downloaded file to start the install process.In Support > Software Downloads, find the needed version of Composer Pro and click on the correct OS version number, for example OS 3.To update Composer Pro from the Online Portal: You can download an update to Composer Pro from the Online Portal. Check the box next to Check for version of Composer at startup to have Composer Pro check for an update every time the software starts.